The Board of Trustees administers a health and welfare, pension and defined contribution for the members and their dependents of Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 91 as part of their union negotiated collectively bargained agreement.
The Trustees are pleased to provide this web site to help inform and educate you about your benefits.
We can all take great pride in having been a part of the history of this great organization. As we reflect, we are reminded of all that has brought us here. From the twenty six members in 1899 to the hundreds today, one thing has remained constant – COMMITMENT. Commitment to the core values of pride, craftsmanship, safety, a strong work ethic and to a partnership with contractors who recognize the value of our relationship. Commitment to a better life for ourselves, our children and their children.
With deep appreciation for sacrifice of those that came before us and an acceptance of the responsibility to those that will come after us, we look to the future and the challenges and rewards that await us.
From humble beginnings in a century past, to the threshold of a new millennium. This is where we have been. Where we will go is up to us.
To go directly to the separate Pension and Welfare Fund Website, click on this link